Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Nancy Pelosi's Comment on George Floyd

Nancy Pelosi generated controversy after the George Floyd trial ended with Derek Chauvin being convicted for three counts. She said in response to the trial, that ended on April 20th, “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call out to your mom -how heartbreaking was that? -call out to your mom, ‘I can’t breathe,” She continued by, “But because of you, and because of thousands -millions- of your people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous with Justice.” House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s comments angered many protestors who pointed out that George Floyd didn’t ask to die, or how difficult it is for a white woman to paint his murder as a sacrifice. The article pointing out that he wasn’t a part of the movement (black lives matter) and didn’t connect to dying. Especially not for the cause. After his death, he became a symbol of systemic racism, as thousands of people in America and around the world chanted “I can’t breathe.” It shook us up and make us look at our system. Still, he never asked for this to happen. Representative Cori Bush, commented how “senseless of Floyd’s killing,” adding that the US, “is far from eliminating systemic racism.”

 Ahmed, A. (2021, April 21). Nancy Pelosi: "thank You, GEORGE floyd, for sacrificing your life". Retrieved April 21, 2021, from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nancy-pelosi-george-floyd-thank-you_n_607f4d32e4b017537f0c1370

TTabby Zuniga Diaz

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