Saturday, April 3, 2021

Multiple arrests made in Jordan due to Coup allegations.

 Multiple government officials and Prince Hamzah bin Hussein had been arrested in what Jordon officials claim to be ties to an attempted coup. The state of Jordon have been in economical and political trouble before Covid and the resulting pandemic made problems worse. Prince Hussein was former crown prince but his young age made him a illegible candidate to take the crown of Jordon, in part of this and the recent bad leadership of the country Prince Hussein has made some comments critical of the government or he is at least tied to said criticisms.  As a result he is currently under house arrest. Jordon is a smaller country in the Middle East yet it is still a U.S ally and remains more stable than certain other parts of the region. This stability being recently tested with ISIS, Syrian refugees and Covid. While this arrest will most likely not result in a civil war, and the U.S, Egyptians and Saudi's governments all back the arrest. It shows the fragility of having a monarchy in a modern world.

Chris Rauch

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