Sunday, April 25, 2021

Iraq Covid Hosptial Fire

 On Saturday night a hospital fire occurred at the lbn khatib hospital in Iraq. From the reports seen in this document 100 were injured in some manner and 82 were killed. The cause for this fire occurring is stated to be an oxygen tank exploding. Through this accident, the prime minister called for a suspension of the health minister and an investigation to occur regarding the case. The fire started in the intensive care room floor reserved for people dealing with the highest cases of covid 19. As of Sunday, the fire is under control. The government's human rights commission states that this seems like a crime to those exhausted by the covid 19 pandemics. The deaths that occurred during the fire were truly tragic mostly due to pipes having to be pulled due to the fire. This caused many patients to lose the oxygen intake that they needed to survive. The country of Iraq is still highly troubled by the covid 19 pandemic so hopefully, the hospital can be restored soon in order for them to keep fighting to get back on their feet. It's amazing to see all the dangers the world still faces amongst the covid pandemic. It goes to show how troubled the entire world is right now in these times.

Matthew Rabick

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