Saturday, April 3, 2021

Police dies at captial building

 Recently, an attack happened at the United States Captial. From the article, the car rammed into a barrier. Due to the ramming, the attacker lunged out with a knife to attack but was killed by a gunshot from the police. Both the police and the attacker were killed in this incident. Some people are suspecting that the attack was tied to an act of terrorism as seen from the attack on the capital in January. People are thinking otherwise though as this attack and the terrorist attack happened three months apart from one another. The head police in Washington are looking for and advice so they can further the investigation at hand. Many head figureheads of the united states government are deeply heartbroken by this attack on the capital. It's interesting to see that this attack is the 2nd of the best two weeks with used vehicles as battering rams. First the case of the Islamic countries with the motorcycles into the building and now this on the capital. It really begs people to question is there something going on deeper than meets the eye. Time will tell how both these stories develop and if there truly is a connection between the recent attacks.

Matthew Rabick

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