Monday, April 5, 2021

South Korea's Big Step Forward in Renewable Energy

With the world becoming more aware of the dangers due to climate change, countries have their own take on generating cleaner sustainable energy for the collective good of our planet. South Korea is no different and recently has announced plans for an offshore wind farm at a cost of about 42.8 billion dollars. South Korea's offshore wind farm follows a common trend in the renewable energy industry which focuses on wind energy production. Last year there were approximately globally 96.3 gigawatts of wind turbines installed. Although South Korea's wind farm is expected to generate only about 8.2 gigawatts which may not seem like a lot it has the potential to become a good consistent renewable source of energy which is a step in the right direction. This wind farm sounds great for South Korea but it does face a number of issues. The main one will be the location of the wind farm because to produce 8.2 gigawatts of energy you must have wind consistency which can prove to be difficult at sea. Locals even like the idea of having this push for renewable energy even at the cost of their jobs such as fishermen as long as it helps out better their nations transition to a cleaner more sustainable energy source. This project is a big endeavor for South Korea and whether or not they overcome their energy obstacles to become carbon neutral by 2050 we won't know until we get there.   


Jonathan Vargas

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