Sunday, October 25, 2020

Covid: Spain imposes national night-time curfew to curb infections

Europe has recently seen a spike in their covid infection numbers starting in late September. Many of these countries have seen record number of cases over this weekend in October. This has caused many countries to start implementing restrictions once again. Countries like Italy and Spain that were hit hard at the start of the pandemic are bringing back restrictions although they are not as tough. Gyms, bars, restaurants, and theaters are being shut down and some have to close sooner. It seems to be that leaders are wary of bringing back tougher lock downs because of the economic impact and not mention that they are very unpopular. Some countries like Czech Republic and the Netherlands imposed restrictions at the start of the month yet they had record numbers of cases this weekend, another reason for the wariness. The new lock downs hope to prevent a tougher "second wave" this fall and winter.

Jimmy Oropeza

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