Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Trump's refusal to join virtual debate shows his fear of not being able to impose his personality on the showdown

 For the second presidential debate, it was decided that it would be held online due to the recent spike of cases in the White House. Trump refused to do the debate virtually, because he thinks that is not how debates are to be done. This article claims this is because trump cannot be interrupting and showing his personality virtually, which is what he is used to doing to “win” debates. The article then dives into the vice presidential debate, which seemed much more civil. This debate had both sides speaking on issues and some interruptions but overall went much smoother. Most debates, however, do not affect the way people feel about the candidates. Overall, the presidential debate is looked at as a mess by both sides, but the vice presidential debate is looked at with more hope for each side feeling at least somewhat satisfied with the way each candidate handled themselves.

Tanya Czosek
Article Link: https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/08/politics/kamala-harris-mike-pence-trump-debate/index.html

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