Thursday, October 29, 2020

Taiwan Doesn't Know Who To Side With Anymore

 Jake Mersch

The "One China" policy has been a hotly contested issue in the past few decades. Is Taiwan part of China rightfully its own country? The United States does not recognize Taiwan as its own sovereign country, however, they do recognize Taiwan's membership in various international groups. The American military has protected Taiwan from attacks by China and Taiwan has responded in kind by siding with the US over Chine on international affairs. Recent;y, Taiwanese officials have become conflicted on the status of their own alliance to the US. They remain partial to American protection but aren't sure if they should attempt a brokered deal with China. As of now, Taiwan will accept protections from and side with the United States on policy issues related to China, but are now considering the advantages siding with China would have in the long run. Overall, many, including Taiwanese leadership, believes that America will continue to win over the island's international relations heart. 

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