Sunday, October 25, 2020

“Nigeria Protests: Police Chief Deploys ‘all resources’ amid street violence.”

Looting is happening amidst the protesting of end-SARS in Nigeria. Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) is police force developed to quell civil unrest but has been found violating the law through tactics such as violence and harassment. Protesting began in early October and has not only extended to the end of SARS but also reform within the Nigerian system of government in general. During some of the protests several people were shot and around 12 died in Lagos and 69 in “street violence”. Looter have hijacked the movement and have begun to raid supplies for Covid relief. Many different activist groups are encouraging members and people to follow the procedures set forth by the Nigerian government. It is always interesting to see what is happening around the world in a time of crisis, such as a pandemic. As people are unable to get their needs met, I believe they are becoming more aware of the corrupt system that they live in. It is kind of like the McDonalidaztion theory, instead of war we can go get McDonalds or go to the Gap, but now that we can no longer do those things and be distracted by them are discontentment for the system if growing. I am guessing that in the near future and far after the pandemic is over, we will see major social shifts in the world. Jena Livesay

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