Saturday, October 17, 2020

Guineans set to vote in tense presidential election

 Following months of unrest, Guinea is set to vote among 12 candidates for the presidency. Notably, incumbent Alpha Conde is running for a third term, after pushing through a new constitution earlier this year that allowed him to skirt by the two-term presidency. In 2010, Conde became Guinea's first democratically elected president after years of military rule. He had even been jailed for his opposition to Guinea's military government. But, he now seems to be trying to sidestep the democracy he helped set up by running for a third term and coming down hard on protests that came up after the new constitution was passed. The vote will be held on Sunday and results will be known a few days later. A candidate will need at least 50% to win outright, or a runoff will be held in November.

Anthony Grammich

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