Sunday, October 25, 2020

Two Muslim women stabbed and attacked by the Eiffel Tour

Kenza and Amel were in the park with seven of their relatives, including four children, and were frightened by unleashed pitbulls nearby. They asked the two women to control their dogs and to keep them away from the children. Kenza and Amel were called "dirty Arabs" and told to "go back to your country". They were attacked and one woman had her hijab ripped off her head and both women were stabbed. Kenza was stabbed six times and ended up in a local hospital with a punctured lung and Amel needed surgery for the stab wounds on her hands. 

The Muslim community in France has noticed a dramatic rise in Islamophobia and credit it to the the French governments clampdown on Mosques and Muslim organization. 

Serena Merhebi

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