Wednesday, October 7, 2020

'I had to do it': Trump suggests he got virus as act of political courage

 In this article, it discusses the way that Trump has handled the virus since having it. As we talked about in class, he would either come out and say that it needs to be taken more seriously, or he would continue to play this dominant “there should be no fear” factor. Now that he has been released from the hospital, the article talks about the tweets and videos he released where he states not to let the virus dominate you and do not be afraid. The insensitivity in this seems to really stick out as over 200,000 people have died from it. He then goes on to say that we have the best medicine and treatments around, yet he fails to realize that may just be because he is the president of The United States, as the news article suggests. This article pulls the idea that Trump got this virus to really learn about it and did it as an act of courage for his fellow people. He did not come out of this saying we need to wear our masks or socially distance still, but instead disregarded a lot of the safety measures and basically told people “not to be afraid” because now he has had it. This article did not really surprise me, as I saw it all myself and had an idea that this was what Trump would act like after having it.

Tanya Czosek

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