Thursday, October 15, 2020

US per capita COVID-19 death rate significantly higher than that of other high-income countries

 A new study done by the American Medical Association (AMA) found that the United State's per capita Coronavirus death rate is significantly higher than that of 18 other high-income countries. When adjusted for population size, the US death rate is 85% higher than that of Germany, Israel, Denmark. The inefficiency of our programs and disregard for safety has led to us having a death rate 29% higher than that of Sweden, whose government implemented practically no procedures at all.

Additionally, since June 7th, our rate is 27.2 deaths per 100,000 people, compared to Italy's 3.1 per 100,000 people. This is striking, especially considering how Italy was one of the first countries to be ravaged by the disease, while we had more time to prepare. The study found that if we had been able to keep our death rate to that of Italy's, we would have saved the lives of 79,120 people. 

This evidence shows that not only is COVID-19 still a major problem in the US, but we are handling it much, much worse than other countries with similar resources.

By, Claire Mikulcik

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