Friday, October 9, 2020

FBI busts militia 'plot' to abduct Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer

A militia group has been plotting to overthrow the Michigan government over disputes with the handling of the Coronavirus. Gov. Whitmer has had very strict regulations in place for Michigan and some have been overturned by a judge last week. The plan was to gather more supporters and storm the Capitol building, taking hostages including the governor. If that plan failed, their second attempt was going to take place at Whitmer's house. The group was infiltrated by an FBI agent who recorded secret meetings and gathered information on the 6 men leading the charge to overthrow the government. One of the group's main arguments was that the decisions Whitmer is making violate the Constitution and create a tyrannical system in Michigan. 

This is a very scary development because it is highlighting the partisan divisions and the fears that people are acting on during the pandemic. It is not often that you hear about kidnapping plots for government leaders in America and people are starting to escalate.

By: Rachel Maida 

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