Sunday, October 4, 2020

White House Physician Sean Conley Draws Scrutiny for Rosy Assessments of Trump’s Health

 White House physician Sean Conley has been talking with friends and family about how much stress he was under trying to keep the president safe during the COVID-19 epidemic. The article goes on to talk about how there was not a lot of talk out of the White House regarding Trump's condition until Sunday when the White House made a statement that the President's blood oxygen levels had dropped. Dr. Conley has received criticism that he is too politicized and that he is not being forthright with his answers, but rather sounds like he is being told what to say. Dr. Conley also treated the president with hydroxychloroquine which, if you recall, is the experimental drug treatment for COVID-19 that the president had been promoting. There are still worried regarding the president because he is in the high-risk age group and has underlining health conditions. 

Faith Brouwer

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